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Our Mission

Provide adolescent girls and young women the right knowledge, skills and resources to fully influence policies and participate in politics.

Our Vision

A society where there is freedom of expression and no one is discriminated based on their sex.

Our Core Values

Core Values:




Areas Of Intervention

Areas of intervention:
-Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights
-Policy and Politics
-Peace Building and Conflict Resolution
-Socio-economic empowerment
- Psycho-social support

Our Team



Achem Evi C.

Programs Manager

Achem is a Gender in Humanitarian Action fellow and an SFC-certified professional; she is dedicated to promoting and coordinating programs that allocate active participation of young people especially adolescent girls and young women (AGYW), within sexual reproductive health and HIV/AIDS decision-making.
With over five years of extensive experience coordinating ...


Sharon S.

Monitoring and Evaluation Officer

Ngwengu Sharon is a SRHR peer educator, and a Peace and Equality Ambassador concerned with the sexual and reproductive health rights of young women especially within conflict affected area like her region of origin- Northwest region. As a champion for the fight against violent extremism and hate speech under US ...


Conscience F.

Finance Officer

Born and raised in Bamenda, Cameroon, Fai Conscience has a BA in accounting and Finance. As a feminist, her personal and professional mission is to leverage her financial acumen and social work expertise to help non-profit organizations achieve their goals while prioritizing social responsibility and community empowerment. In her role ...


Emmanuela N.

Procurement and Logistics Officer

Nchang Emmanuela is an inspiring 23-year-old adolescent girl from Bafut sub-division of Mezam Division in Cameroon's Northwest Region. With a bachelor's degree in accounting from the University of Bamenda, she has demonstrated exceptional academic achievements and a strong dedication to professional growth. Emmanuela's journey extends beyond the classroom, as she ...


Asoh E.

Communication and Advocacy Lead

Asoh Etheldreda A is a passionate development communicator with a bachelor's degree in Communication and Development studies. She is passionate about promoting peace in her community. She's a youth activist and a Gender Equality advocate for social justice. She is  currently investing to become an activist for a peaceful society ...

Board members


Sally M.

Executive Director

Sally Mboumien, Executive Director & Founder of Common Action for Gender Development (COMAGEND) in Cameroon. Her organization works to uphold the sexual and reproductive health rights of women and girls through support to education and promoting their involvement in political decision-making that impacts their livelihoods. She is a peace, social, and ...


Liz L.

Board member
Liz is a young activist and leader in the fight for gender equality and inclusive societies. 
Her journey as a young leader began with frustration and helplessness, but has since evolved into a relentless pursuit of justice, empowerment, and equality for girls and women worldwide. She ...

Doris M.

Board Member

Doris Maishu is an accomplished and dedicated individual who brings a diverse background and valuable perspectives to the table. From her upbringing in a polygamous family in Cameroon to her entrepreneurial journey and pursuit of higher education in the United States, Doris's life experiences have ...


Roseline O.

Board Secretary

Obah Rosaline is an accomplished and dedicated trainer/consultant specializing in Peace Journalism (PJ), Do No Harm, and Conflict Transformation. With an impressive track record spanning over 17 years, Obah has emerged as a leading advocate for peace and gender-based violence (GBV) activism, as well as an ...


Beatrice N.

Board Chair

Beatrice  Ndefon is a  feminist, humanitarian aid worker and a peacebuilder with over ten years of experience in gender activism, movement building, policy advocacy. She is the Executive Director at Solidarity Health Foundation in Cameroon where she designs and executes programs for the advancement of ...

Girls Advisory Board member


Foka S.

Girls Advisory Board member

Foka Sherifatu Kinyuy is a young woman who has dedicated her life to helping adolescent girls and young women. Born and raised in Cameroon, she is a geographer and educator by profession. However, Foka's true passion lies in promoting peace, equality, reproductive health and human rights for young girls and ...


Nangsinyuy N.

Girls Advisory Board member

Nangsinyuy Ngo Modest is a skilled Communication And Development expert with a deep commitment to women and girls' rights in societies plagued by Gender-Based Violence. Through her involvement in the civic space, she has developed a strong passion for addressing these issues. Nangsinyuy has generously volunteered her time and expertise ...


Jibo H.

Girls Advisory Board member

Habiba Jai Jibo, at the age of 22, is a dedicated advocate for girls and women's sexual reproductive health and rights. Having recently completed her degree in nursing, she brings a strong foundation in healthcare to her activism. For the past six years, Habiba has been actively involved in advocating ...


Nubia H.

Girls Advisory Board member

Nubia Hyacintha Nahbila is graduate from the University of Bamenda. Bsc. Maritime transport and logistics. An AGYW, Peace and Equality Ambassador.  A Public relations officers, a poet a writer (novel, prose,drama) and a performer. A photo model.

She is passionate about adding her voice to bring about a chance where ...

Fostering Gender Equality and Equal Access to Decision Making.